I spent a small portion of the day on the phone with the Studio Photography Directer at U of L trying to figure out how I could offer an internship that would be counted as a college credit.
Well we Figured it out.. He asked me to make a list of Requirements, Responsibilities, and Personality traits that I am looking for in an intern. So that is what I did.
I really would prefer to have a female intern, because if you know me I am all about GIRL POWER! Doing what ever I can to help another female out... But honestly, I get a long way better with men. I am not very sensitive, and I hear I can be a bit bossy!!??! Who would say such a thing?!
I am staying neutral to the gender of an intern, all that I am looking for is someone who does not have any crazy drama going on in their life. The point of interning is gaining experience, how can you fully learn if you life is full of chaos?
- DSLR camera & flash unit ( at least 16 mp)
- At least 1 prime lens, preferably 50 mm 1.4-1.8 F, and any other lenses with a Low F stop
- Laptop
- Portable Hard Drive would be useful but not required.
- SD Cards, Extra Camera Battery++
- Strobes & Lightening Equipment Triggers etc is a +++
- Lightroom 4-5 & CS6 or Creative Cloud
- Reliable Transportation preferably not too far from the 40291 ( Fern Creek area)
- Use of Lightroom & Photography sliders and adjustment layers
- Layer Masks( Must) Curves, Levels, Channels, Basic Retouching is a ++
- Social Media Knowledge ex: Facebook, Google Ads, Pinterest, etc
- Culling Images
- Browsing through 400 images and being able to choose the best of the best! by using Starring, and ranking in LR
- Shooting on Manual mode ( LOL Yes, Sad but true) Iso, Shutter Speed, Aperture
- Gmail, Google Calenders, Spreadsheets in Excel & or Google Docs
- Assisting, 2nd shooting, HRH Human Reflector Holder
- Setting up their own shots
- Culling Images & rating
- Front end of the business:
- Social Media marketing
- Customer Relations Management
- Emailing Clients & Response
- Logging leads
- Booking appointments
- Creating marketing Templates for Social media
- Helping me to come up with Creative ideas for giveaways, sweepstakes, etc.
- Editing Images ( 2 ways )
- Similar to my style ( This is a brand, and consistency is key)
- Your style ( or finding your style if they have yet to build on)
- Website Management
- Updating Images
- Blogs ( tentative )
- PR- Public relations
- Assisting in Managing Facebook Fan Pages, responding to messages, Clients, Posting things to help generate interest
- Putting together layouts for Photo Albums
- Time Management
- Able to meet at least 2x a week For 3 hours
- Handling other jobs by themselves
- Assertive & Proactive
- Eye for Composition
- Minimal Time commitments
- 0 children ( I have a 10 year old son, and it is difficult with my schedule, couldn't imagine adding another to the mix)
- Deals well with surprises
- Capable of adapting in any situation
- identifying the personality traits of the client and being able to accommodate
- If we are shooting and Engagement session and they bring their 2 year old along unexpectedly- Intern may have to unfortunately play baby sitter for a little bit. Though I have made it very clear to clients that this is NOT allowed. However it has happened in the past, and being able to adapt to the situation is KEY!!
- Does well with their own Time Management
- easy & open communication
- Flexible schedule
- Creative eye
- it is not always about the "technical" aspects.. Sometimes you have to be willing to shoot through a hole in ziplock baggy to create a new effect in camera! ( ABSOLUTELY amazing--- google the trick)
- Not afraid to get their hands dirty
- I have a massive amount of Tools in my arsenal, and I will not hesitate to break out my Compound miter saw, and brad nailer in order build something that I need
- Other talents are greatly appreciated! I sew, and like to build things
- Not easily discouraged
- Capable of dealing with Hi stress situations
What I will Teach in return/Give to the Intern:
- Access to $100s of dollars in LR & PS Presets and Actions as well as custom made presets, to ensure similar styles
- Access to Tutorials that I have purchased
- 1 on 1 training in Lr & PS workflow & How to maximize and speed up your workflow through Sync & Batch edits
- Hands on Training in shooting:
- Weddings, Families, Children, Engagement, & Boudoir ( as long as you are not a boy!!)
- Tricks of the trades
- shooting through zip-lock bags, cups, necklaces draped over the lens.
- things that you wouldn't normally think about doing. I was taught, and I want to pass it on to another young grass hopper!
- Building props
- Reflectors made from hardware store materials, and many other things
- Shooting with Off Camera Lighting, & Triggers
- Color Grading & Composition
- Hi fashion editorial style retouching:
- Frequency Separation: Non destructive way of editing blemishes, on separate layers to ensure no "Over processing of the skin" AKA So they do not looked over processed!!
- Curves adjustments in individual Channels
- Dodge & burning-- A MUST
- Managing a business from all sides
- managing Customer relations
- networking & marketing
- appealing to your target audience
- website development
- portfolio development for models and your self
- Money Management- making MONEY with your skill set.
- Filing taxes with a Schedule C.
- Natural Light Vs Strobes
- Conceptual Photography
- BUILDING A BRAND!!!! That is the most important aspect of being a photographer, you can be amazing at what you do, but if you do not brand yourself well, then you may never get the opportunity to really reach your maximum potential.
I think that above covers everything. What I am looking for out of an interns. I covered Knowledge requirements, Responsibilities, Personality Traits, and what they will receive in return. I was so very lucky that I had to amazing men take me under their wings and show me a thing or ten!! The knowledge that they provided me with, could NEVER be repaid. So I feel like It is my "duty" to give back to someone, bc they definitely could have told me to " TAKE A HIKE!" However, I really wish I would have been taught the business side of it all. Being a photographer for profit entails much more than just having a great eye or awesome photoshop skills. You have to have the knowledge and skill set to manage the business and yourself in such a way that will eventually maximize your profits. After all--- Who really wants to be a starving artist forever?
There you have it.. If you are interested, feel free to send me a facebook message or an email @ Charee.Marniece@gmail.com
Please be aware that this time--- there may be a background check.. HA